People with knee pain reported less discomfort and used fewer pain meds after eating soy protein every day for three months, according to Oklahoma State University research. Soy is rich in isoflavones, plant hormones with anti-inflammatory properties.
Though scientific data is limited, some experts believe consuming pineapple may defend against osteoarthritis and possibly improve symptoms. The pineapple enzyme bromelain is thought to alleviate swelling associated with osteoarthritis, because this compound has demonstrated anti-inflammatory activity in laboratory research.
While vitamin C has been linked to helping prevent the onset of colds and respiratory infections, an antioxidant called beta-cryptoxanthin, found in oranges and other orange fruits and veggies such as sweet potato and cantaloupe, has been found to help reduce the risk of anti-inflammatory conditions like rheumatoid arthritis . Another reason to get out that juicer and start making fresh OJ each day. (Or, you know, just eat an orange.)
Evening Primrose
Usually found as an oil, this flower’s powers have been linked to treating atopic dermatitis (a chronic itchy skin condition), rheumatoid arthritis, and PMS symptoms . The gamma-inolenic acid in the oil has anti-coagulant effects that may help reduce the effects of cardiovascular illnesses .
No, we do not recommend whiskey for a broken heart or curing any sort of emotional pain. But, it turns out adding a spoonful to warm water may just do the trick to kick that pesky sore throat.