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Lupus Disease Symptoms

Lupus disease is a disorder of the autoimmune system. In these varieties of diseases the immune system begins to attack the body. The result is generally damage to healthy parts of the body and inflammation. Lupus is not limited to a single part of the body (the brain, joints, heart, blood vessels, and others can be affected), and there are multiple forms of lupus.

Lupus is an inflammatory disease. Usually, having a strong and active immune system is a good thing. It fights off infection and helps to keep you healthy. But , in those suffering from lupus, the immune system actually turns on their own bodies, attacking healthy tissues and organs, like the kidneys, heart, lungs, joints, and even skin. The result is pain and, in some cases, disfigurement.

Lupus outbreaks have also been reported after ingestion of large amounts of foods containing psoralens (celery, celery salt, parsnips, figs). Psoralens are chemicals that increase the photosensitivity in those who are sensitive to sunlight. Hydrazines, the chemicals responsible for many cases of drug-induced lupus, are also present in mushrooms, certain food dyes, smoke tobacco, and most cooked foods, especially meat and other fatty foods.

Common systemic lupus symptoms can include:

– painful swelling of joints
– painful and aching muscles
– swollen legs
– depression
– sensitive to bright light

For treatment, many start with creams before considering steroids. Steroids are injected for discoid lupus for some patients. Because lupus is an auto-immune disease, stress can play a large factor. There may be additional symptoms such as a mild fever, joint pain and muscle aches. Seeing a physician is important and remember that there are many ways that a lupus rash can appear so don’t just go by pictures and images you find on the internet.

Those who are diagnosed with lupus are usually between the ages of 15 and 45 years old. However , lupus can be found in patients both older and younger. In fact , one of the four types of lupus is neonatal lupus, which can affect a fetus still in its mother’s womb. Fortunately, this type of lupus seems to disappear within about six months.

In some people with lupus, only one system of the body such as the skin or joints is affected. Other people experience symptoms in many parts of their body. Just how seriously a body system is affected also varies from person to person. Most commonly, joints and muscles are affected, causing arthritis and muscle pain. Skin rashes are quite common. The following systems in the body also can be affected by lupus.

The infection is very difficult to diagnose because it displays symptoms of other well known diseases like chronic fatigue syndrome, dementia, multiple sclerosis, madness megaloblastic, fibromyalgia, lupus syndrome, ALS as well as affective disorder depression.

Raynaud’s Disease causes a distinct sequence of discoloration when hands and feet are exposed to cold: first whitening, then the appearance of a bluish tint, with sensations of numbness and then bright red upon rewarming, accompanied by painful throbbing.

Hashimoto’s disease is a disease characterized by the immune system attacking the thyroid gland.. A family history of thyroid disorders is common, with the HLADR5 gene most strongly implicated conferring a relative risk of 3 in the UK. The person may experience symptoms of hyperthyroidism at first when the thyroid may actually produce too much thyroid hormones.

In severe cases, tissue damage leads to gangrene and the ends of the affected digits die and become black, requiring amputation. Fortunately this is a rare complication. Women are more likely than men are to have the disorder. It’s more common in people who live in colder climates. Use of such drugs, which constrict blood vessels, can also make Raynaud’s phenomenon worse. Some people with Raynaud’s phenomenon also have other disorders that occur when arteries are prone to constrict.

A suspected clinical diagnosis must be confirmed by biopsy. Light microscopy reveals a characteristic suprabasilar intraepidermal vesicle with loss of epidermal cell cohesion (acantholysis). Direct immunonuorescent studies carried out on perilesional skin demonstrate a pathognomonic pattern of IgG deposition in a network-like pattern surrounding the epidermal cells. Complement components are sometimes present.

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus is an incurable autoimmune disease, which holds the ability to debilitate and take lives as a result of attacking: healthy cells, tissues, various bodily systems, central nervous system, autonomic nervous system, blood, skin and vital organs – heart, brain, kidneys, lungs, and so forth.

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