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Understanding Lupus And Staying Healthy

What happens when the body is affected with an autoimmune disorder like lupus is that the immune system becomes confused and cannot tell the difference between foreign material and its own cells and tissues. The immune system then begins to make antibodies and directs them against itself; these antibodies are called auto-antibodies. The auto-antibodies affect the body by causing inflammation, pain and damage in different parts of the body.

Lupus does not define me. I define me. This is much easier said than done, especially when you learn you have an illness that has no cure and is potentially fatal. But, over the years, I have learned to regulate my mental state. Don’t take this to mean that it never saddens me that I can’t do everything I was able to do in the past.

To make it simpler, we will refer to all invaders as “the bad guys.” The cells and tissues that are normal and healthy, part of your “self”, are “the good guys.” At any given time, we have lots of these foreign invaders in our body. And we are constantly taking new “bad guys” in through our food, air and water. This defensive system has a tall order to fill, and a healthy immune system never takes a break.

This damage can cause the bones to rub against each other, resulting in pain, stiffness and a lack of mobility of the affected joint. While exercise itself does not cause osteoarthritis, studies show that damage to the joint area can.

The most common risk factors for developing osteoarthritis include: aging, being over-weight, a previous joint injury, heredity factors, overuse injuries and lack of physical activity. Follow these health care tips to keep your joints healthy and decrease your risk of developing osteoarthritis

The prostate gland has many functions. One of which is to help control urination. How? It presses directly against the part of the urethra that it surrounds which then helps in urination. Another function of the prostate gland is to produce the substances that are found in semen such as minerals and sugar.

A blighted ovum means the gestational sac formed, but there is no baby in it. Your body may be slow to realize the absence because you have all the symptoms of a pregnancy, like nausea and tender breasts. Blighted ovum may only be discovered during an ultrasound.

Sadly, alopecia areata is a condition that cannot be cured; conversely, the effect can be counterfeited in order to let the hair grow back. In view of this, most dermatologists will prescribe medications that are applied for other conditions. Among the most common treatment is the use of corticosteroids which is ananti-inflammatory drug basically given to patients suffering from autoimmune diseases.

So, environmental protection is not just for the setting standards but to also help maintain our healthy way of life and help the body not to have to fight foreign material that it can not produce antibodies fast enough to over come the invading offender. This is due to the fact that people think more of money than they do people and they dump their nasty, disease caring garbage any where they can find to hide it, even if its in your back yard.

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