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Differentiating Primary Osteoarthritis From Secondary Osteoarthritis

One of the common causes of hip injury is osteoarthritis. Debilitating diseases, mechanical trauma, unhealthy lifestyle, hereditofamilial disease, and other underlying disorder of the body has the tendency to cause an increased likelihood to experience hip injury among men and women ages 40 and above. For some people, the injury endured from osteoarthritis can be as minor as finger joint discomfort, but for others the extent of the injury can be as serious as an irreversible damage to the weight-bearing bone such as a hip bone.

Healthcare professional doctors usually advise their patients to opt for a hip replacement surgery if the injury to the hip turned out to be more serious than expected. Before undergoing the procedure, you can raise any concerns you might have regarding the process of the invasive surgery and the devices to be used which serves as a precaution and assurance that no harm will come upon you as a result of the surgery since complications from some hip replacement devices has been reported.

Primary Osteoarthritis

The disease process of osteoarthritis starts with a common injury to the joints which eventually goes awry. When the bone is healed after an injury, though, there is a marked decrease in its strength and protection. The newly formed bone becomes less resilient, easily damaged and become susceptible to further degradation that is why the deteriorating process exacerbates and worsens in the long run. When the bone degenerates, the end product of the process of degeneration caused inflammation of the adjacent joint sac which leads to pain, swelling, redness, warmth, and loss of function of the affected part. To compensate, new bones are formed to fill in the gap of the joints which only worsens the condition and causes unsightly knobs and disfigurement of the joints. Pain sensation secondary to osteoarthritis can be severe and crippling to the patient. Primary osteoarthritis is largely influenced by genes.

Secondary Osteoarthritis

The disease process of secondary osteoarthritis undergo the same as primary osteoarthritis but the etiologic factor differs. Congenital disorder of the joints, diabetes, inflammatory diseases and other chronic form of arthritis, joint injury, infected joints, Marfan syndrome, excess weight, Hemochromatosis and Wilson’s disease are the precipitating factors of secondary osteoarthritis.

Since the disease condition osteoarthritis is a progressive disorder, some patients with hip joint injury secondary to osteoarthritis are advised to undergo invasive corrective surgery to replace the irreparable joint. Due to the accumulating reports from DePuy ASR hip replacement products’ recipients about their alleged experience of having complications from faulty devices, a hip replacement recall was released. For more information about the progress of this case, you can search for more related sites available.

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