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Gout Remedy? Here Are 5 Gout Remedies That Will Have You Singing “I’m Gout Free”

As a gout survivor, I can feel your pain (literally). I am proud to say that I have been gout free for three years and a few days running now and I can honestly say that after years of frequent gout attacks, I don’t miss it one bit. For most, getting rid of gout is as easy as taking NSAIDs from a doctor but the problem with doing this is you are treating the symptoms when a gout attack is in its full throes. But what about prevention? Is there a gout remedy that actually works? Well, never fear…. there is and I intend to help you speed the process to you being gout free forever.

So , what does it take to be gout free? I want to give you a clue. Going to a doctor has very little to do with it. The secret all lies in how you treat your body and the foods you ingest. The secret lies in inhibiting uric acid buildup, the main culprit for gout. Let’s examine this…

Exercise – Uh-oh… did I just say a bad word? Well, it’s true. Exercise not only is good for all around fitness and well-being, exercise moves toxins out of your body quickly and helps prevent gout. Exercise helps to lower and control uric acid buildup in the body. In other words, it is good as a preventative measure for gout. Exercise suggestions- Personally, I walk 30 minutes a day, 7 days a week and have been for 3 years. I find that walking (even if you are overweight) is not only a good way to control diabetes (most gout sufferers have problems with insulin resistance) but will also help you drop a few pounds. It doesn’t have to be excessive and you don’t have to run a marathon… just a short, quick walk will do wonders for preventing gout.
Drink lots of Water – This was a tough one for me, as I at the time, I was addicted to diet cokes. Water helps with eliminating uric acid in the body and is essential to most of the metabolic processes that go on in the body. What works for me- Every morning I fill three 1 liter bottles of water and aim to drink all 3 liters throughout the day. 3 years ago, this was tough. These days drinking that much water keeps me refreshed and gout-free.
Know what causes your Gout Flare-ups – This can be tough for some but if you can identify the foods that cause gout for you, then you are almost there as far as taking preventative measures. My brother-in-law, for instance, knows that his chances of a gout attack after drinking are around 50%. Therefore , by cutting out alcohol, he is able to control his attacks. For me, it was red meat. This said, by combining a healthy diet, I am able to eat a filet every now and then and not have to worry about an attack.
Eat a proper diet- I am a health nut now when it comes to food. Some doctors will tell you to avoid foods high in purine. However , if you take a look at these foods, you will see that you are cutting out a ton of healthy staples. And if you have diabetes or are insulin resistant, you may be doing more harm than good by cutting these foods out. Personally, once I figured out what was causing my gout attacks, I was able to minimize them. My personally suggestion is to avoid refined foods and stick with fresh fruits, vegetables and organic meats. It has worked for me.
A handful of berries a day keeps gout away – Berries, whether they are blueberries, strawberries, or cherries all have properties in them that help to control uric acid. Eat them plain for breakfast in the morning or add them to oatmeal. For a digestive inducing treat, add them to unsweetened plain yogurt or cottage cheese!

That’s it…. the gout remedy that works for me isn’t really a gout remedy at all. It is what I consider to be a prescription for common sense. Drink lots of water, eat foods that are good for you, know what causes your gout attacks and do a little walking everyday.

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