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Healing Osteoarthritis

I seem to end up spending a lot of time pointing out the faults in mainstream medicine. This I believe is understandable given the numerous targets of concern constantly being provided by the corporate infrastructure that has become healthcare.

In this article I would like to explore the philosophy I have come to embrace with regards to healing as opposed to treatment, after years of personal investigation and practice of alternative methodologies. There are also problems inherent with some alternative healthcare models but I’ll save that topic for a future post.

As a society we always tend to think of the application of our applied methodologies as being based on scientific fact. The reality is that so-called scientific fact tends to be a bit of a moving target as new understanding is developed from ongoing scientific investigations. We are taught after all that this is the primary purpose of the ongoing scientific method, to further our understanding. Unfortunately the social, economic and technological constructs we create with a contemporary understanding, can later be found to be invalid or detrimental based on the new scientific evidence. This naturally becomes problematic when the new evidence indicates a need for social change and redirection. The bigger the beast you create, the harder it is to turn it around. So while scientists argue, politicians lie, lawyers obfuscate and corporations do whatever the heck they please, we as individuals tend to suffer the consequences and usually pass them on to our children. Nowhere is this more clearly demonstrated than in the area of medicine and the structure of our modern agricultural system.

The more we learn and the more we become impressed with ourselves, the more we try to prove that we can do it better than nature. I can think of no example where this mentality has not led to the detriment of either the environment or our physical and mental well-being. The evidence speaks for itself.

To my mind the only successful designer of sustainable complex biological systems is nature itself as clearly demonstrated by our formerly bio-diverse ecosystem to which we are all inextricably linked. Our hubristic attitudes regarding our scientific accomplishments simply pale in comparison to the magnificence that is nature from the micro to the macro. Instead of trying to emulate the success of nature we have been focused on imposing our limited understanding for far to long and now we’re paying the price with increasing systemic illness and emotional distress. As we continue to treat disease with intervention we have forgotten how to heal and in doing so ignore the wondrous capabilities resident in the makeup of the human body.

When setting out to heal osteoarthritis or almost any disease for that matter, there is one simple concept that when embraced, changes the game dramatically and it is this; at the end of the day there is nothing that heals the body but the body. There is no doubt that you can support the healing process with many things like herbs, vitamins, acupuncture or any of a myriad of possibilities. However , without the set of instructions encoded in the DNA of each of your cells these things would be of little use.

Your DNA can be thought of as the bio-ware encoded in the system to provide for cellular regeneration and metabolic functioning for the biological machinery that forms your body. Like any biological entity the production of energy is first and foremost in the continuation of its ability to function and thrive. It also only stands to reason that any biological entity will be an adapted reflection of the larger biosphere in which it exists. Evolution has demonstrated that biological entities will adapt over time to make use of the resources available to them in their particular environment. As with all life with which we share this planet, we have adapted to make use of the nutrients available. Some in the form of organic elements and some as inorganic elements. As long as these things are available to us in the quantities needed to maintain the balance of the system, there is rarely a problem for maintaining the integrity of our biological forms. This is especially true when the biosphere providing sustenance is also pristine, balanced and diverse.

No matter what our philosophical leanings there is no denying that these bodies with their opposable thumbs and an ability to think in the abstract are marvellous pieces of engineering that offer the occupant a precious vehicle for exploring the full range of potential life experiences. All we have to do as occupants is to respect its needs. Unfortunately many of us have come to respect our cars and possessions more than the vehicle that provides the experience in the first place, let alone the biosphere that provides for all biological life.

Perhaps illness does not represent a failure of the body as much as it represents our conscious failures to provide it with what it needs to function. I have read that in a seven year period every cell in our body has been regenerated through cellular division and replication. It would seem to follow from this that we create our body’s destiny with the fuel we provide in what we consume. If the building blocks of metabolism and cellular regeneration are not present in the food we eat, then the instructions for their distribution and use in the body become meaningless. Healing is simply a matter of providing the body with these raw materials so that it can get on with carrying out its programmed function.

Healing osteoarthritis or anything for that matter is about recognizing these fundamental biological truths. When you stop trying to work against nature and instead endeavour to learn from it; many things become possible. Including the salvation of your joints. Achieving health and vitality requires only that you show some respect for the vehicle of your consciousness.

Osteoarthritis is a treatable condition. David Steenblock, D. O. discusses treatment options for osteoarthritis and why osteoarthritis occurs. To find out mor…
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