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Ten Kinds Of Antidepressant Food

In modern society, with the great pressure from work, study, and life, more and more people begin to suffer from psychological problems, in which depression is one of the most common symptoms. In fact , some ordinary foods in our daily life can help us relieve the depression.

First, deep-sea fish:
Study found that people who live near the sea are much happier than other people in the world. One of the important reasons is that they often eat fish. The research from Harvard University showed that the Omega-3 fish fatty acids contained in deep-sea fish have a similar effect with the commonly used antidepressant drugs such as lithium carbonate, which can block the pathways of nerve conduction and increase the secretion of serotonin.

Second, whole-wheat bread:
Whole-wheat bread is rich in carbohydrates, which can help increase the serotonin. Researchers from Massachusetts Institute of Technology said: “Some people take whole-wheat bread as a kind of antidepressant. This is very scientific. ”

Third, grapefruit:
The large amounts of vitamin C in grapefruit not only can maintain the concentration of red blood cells and improve the immunity of the body, but also can help people resist against pressure. What’s the most important is, vitamin C is also one of the important ingredients in the production of dopamine and epinephrine,

Fourth, banana:
Banana contains certain substance called alkaloid, which can inspire human spirit and improve confidence. What’s more, banana is the major source of tryptophan and vitamin B6, both of which can help the brain produce serotonin.

Fifth, spinach:
The researchers found that lack of folic acid will lead to the reduction of serotonin in the brain, resulting in depression, while spinach is the most famous food rich in folic acid.

Sixth, cherry:
Western doctors call cherry as a natural aspirin. This is because cherry contains certain substance called anthocyanin, which can bring happiness to people. Scientists from University of Michigan believe that when people are in a bad mood, if they eat 20 cherries, it is much more effective than eating any drugs.

Seventh, garlic:
Although eating garlic may bring bad breath, it can also bring people a good mood at the same time. A German study found that, after the patients with anxiety disorders eat garlic preparations, they feel less tired and anxious, and are less likely to get angry.

Eighth, pumpkin:
Why pumpkin has something to do with a good mood? This is because pumpkin is rich in vitamin B6 and iron. Both of these two nutrients can help the glucose stored in the body transform into glucose, while glucose is the main energy source for the brain.

Ninth, dairy products:
Study found that, if the women with premenstrual syndrome eat 1, 000 milligrams of calcium tablets every day, after three months, three quarters of these women will feel much happier, and less nervous, irritable or anxious. In daily life, the best source of calcium is the dairy products, such as milk, yogurt and cheese.

Tenth, chicken:
After the British psychologists provided the testers with 100 micrograms of selenium, most of the testers said that they felt much happier. Chicken is one of the best foods which contain plenty of selenium.

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